Episode 8

S6 Ep 8: Money According to the Final Books of the Bible

In the concluding episode of the ‘Money According to the Bible’ season, Simon and Bex discuss various points made in the final books of the Bible about wealth, possessions and our attitudes towards them.

Some key points of interest covered in this episode include the following:

  • Bex starts off by noting the prominence given to Moses in the Letter to the Hebrews (Hebrews 11.24-28) as a result of his decision to place his faith in God rather than relying on the wealth and status to which he was entitled. [01:31]
  • The focus then turns to the Book of James, starting off with his call to put belief into action and to ‘walk the walk’ as well as ‘talking the talk’, as illustrated by his words in chapter 2 verses 14-17. [05:48]
  • James expands on the nature of ‘religion’ that is ‘pure and faultless (James 1.27) by stressing the importance of acting out of humility and without any selfish motivation (James 3.13-16). [09:34]
  • James’s warning and strong words for ‘the rich’ (James 5.1-6) prompt Bex and Simon to reflect on the implications for us and for modern society as far as issues such as fair pay, fair trade and ethical shopping are concerned. [12:23]
  • The final point that Simon highlights from the Book of James is the emphasis placed on adopting a God-focused attitude - ‘if it is the Lord’s will’ – as a crucial element of our decision-making processes (James 4.13-17). [16:28]
  • Prompted by the words of 1 Peter 2.18-20, Bex asks Simon for his thoughts on how we should respond when we encounter unfairness in our lives. [18:17]
  • In response to the warning about idols found in Revelation 9.20, Bex and Simon discuss the modern-day preoccupations that can replace God’s rightful place in our lives. [21:55]
  • Simon draws attention to the fact that our attitude to money has been a key theme throughout this podcast season and that it is no surprise, therefore, that the final book of the Bible includes statements designed to turn around our perception of riches and wealth (Revelation 2.9 and 3.17). [24:30]
  • The recurring theme of stewardship is also revisited and reinforced in a passage about the judgment of the dead (Revelation 20.11-12). [25:21]
  • Season 7 of the ‘Where Your Treasure Is…’ podcast is likely to return to matters relating to practical financial planning. In the meantime, listeners should watch out for a couple of bonus episodes that will be coming up soon. [27:55]

Suggestions or feedback arising from this episode can be sent via email to whereyourtreasureis@freerangepodcasting.co.uk while messages via Instagram should be directed to @whereyourtreasureispodcast.

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About the Podcast

Show artwork for 'Where Your Treasure Is...': The Podcast where Faith and Finance Meet
'Where Your Treasure Is...': The Podcast where Faith and Finance Meet
Conversations about faith and finance with Chartered Financial Planner of the Year, Simon Glazier

About your hosts

Profile picture for Simon Glazier

Simon Glazier

Simon is a forty(something), average height, mostly bald, Christian, husband, father of three, bad taste in fashion, movie-loving, not-very-musical-but-likes-to-sing, outdoor type, board-game playing, dancing, acting (would love to get back into amateur dramatics), kind of guy.

He also happens to be a very experienced, qualified and award-winning Financial Planner (and not just any award - the UK Chartered Financial Planner of the Year Award!).

After 20+ years in the finance profession and having worked for one of Aberdeen and the UK’s best financial planning firms (they also won awards...) he started Stewardship Wealth on the 1st April 2018. His goal is to build a business that would delight clients, gather a team of fun to work with people, and raise money for charity, in particular the Church he is a part of. He has committed to giving away at least 10% of all the income of the business to charity, even before he pays himself!

He's been part of a growing Aberdeenshire church for 25+ years, during which time he as acted, sung, played the tambourine (sad, but true), served in and helped lead the children's ministry, helped run several Marriage Courses, Parenting Courses and Money Courses, been a Treasurer and Trustee for over 13 years and has helped lead a small group based bible study for as long as he can remember.

If you’re ever up for a deep and meaningful conversation about faith and finance...or a strategy based board game...then he’s your man.

P.S. He also has a collection of over 60 Monopoly Board Games, owns a Bowler Hat and once represented England in the World Folkdance Festival as a Morris Dancer...!
Profile picture for Bex Elder

Bex Elder

Bex Elder is a freelance translator and writer based in the North East of Scotland. While Bex is by no means a financial expert (unlike her more knowledgeable co-host), her love of a good chat, and sometimes debate, led her into podcasting. Bex splits her working hours between her own business and working a day a week for her local church as the Assistant Youth Pastor. Bex loves running, getting lost in a good book, drinking copious amounts of tea and never says no to a macaron.